
Despite spectacular progress and popularity of the Allopathic system of Medicine and Surgery, Homeopathy continues to be practiced even today. It may be said that Homeopathy is increasingly being recognized as a treatment of choice in several disorders ranging from common cold to cancer where allopathy fails. Homeopathy is accepted as a useful alternative in many diseases where the patient is not benefited with the prevalent conventional medicine.

Two centuries ago (AD 1755 to 1843) a doctor dared to think of an altogether different, unheard method of treatment. Dr. Hahnemann, an eminent doctor, introduced a system of therapeutics based on the 'Law of Similars', which propounds that 'like cures like'. Hence, his method of treatment came to be called as 'Homeopathy'.

In homeopathy the chemicals that are selected for treatment are the ones that would cause exactly the same symptoms that the patient has if it were given to a healthy person. However, these chemicals are greatly diluted, so many times that there is less than one molecule per dose and it is suggested that benefit is from the energetic life force of the original substance.

Homeopathy is widely practiced by doctors who have to be qualified and certified after they get trained over 4 years of academic and clinical learning in a homeopathy medical college and later work with an experienced doctor to refine their skills.
