
Why Thyroid?
Thyroid is not uncommon and can be missed or mis diagnosed by doctors. You may be in a better position to suspect thyroid problem. The importance of knowing is _ _ _.

Thyroxine is critical to the regulation
of metabolism and growth throughout the
animal kingdom. Among amphibians, for example,
administering a thyroid-blocking agent
such as propylthiouracil (PTU) can
prevent tadpoles from
metamorphosing into frogs; conversely,
administering thyroxine will trigger metamorphosis.

The significance of iodine

In areas of the world where iodine
(essential for the production of thyroxine,
which contains four iodine atoms) is lacking
in the diet, the thyroid gland can be
considerably enlarged, resulting in the
swollen necks of endemic goitre.
